"Spreading the word about proper saddle fit & how it affects our horse's behavior, performance & ultimately the health of horse & rider."     

Terry Peiper, Fit Right Saddle Solutions

Independent Saddle Fitter serving areas of Tennessee & Alabama


Saddle Fit Evaluations

Saddle Fit Classes - Learn to evaluate you own saddle fit

English or Western Saddle Fittings

About Terry - Saddle fitting since 2011



Here are just a few of the signs of poor saddle fit:

  • Hock, stifle & back soreness
  • Kissing spines and bumps
  • Muscle atrophy
  • White hair & rubs
  • Poor posture like high withers, bulging shoulders & large shoulder holes
  • Behavior issues like biting, girthiness, bucking or bolting
  • Performance issues like wrong leads, short strides & lack of engagement
  • Unexplained lameness
  • Rider's hip, back & knee pain

Good saddle fit:

  • Prevents needless pain, suffering & possible permanent damage to horse and rider
  • Saves time & money spent on lessons, training & vet bills
  • Allows horse & rider to enjoy the ride & comfortably become one


  Your saddle fit should be checked every 6-12 months.  Since our horses change very gradually, we usually don't notice when they are off until we refit.  Horses change shape due to age, conditioning, training, nutrition and seasons.  If you buy a saddle that fits really well today and it cannot be adjusted, you might be saddle shopping again really soon.  So that the saddle can continue to fit as the horse develops or if you change horses, I only offer for sale saddles that are adjustable.

  These are the manufacturers that I proudly represent.  Each is special in their own way.  

Specialized Saddles- adjustable trail & endurance saddles

TW Saddlery- adjustable trail & western performance saddles

Peter Horobin-adjustable trail, dressage, jump & endurance saddles

DP Saddlery-adjustable trail, western performance & endurance saddles

Christ sheepskin saddle pads, girth & cinches and Thin Line Saddle Pads are also available.


  To schedule a saddle fit evaluation or fitting for your horse/saddle or demo one of the adjustable saddles click on the link below.


  "Someone once said the finiest compliment paid me is that of a referral.  No one has received any compensation from me for a testimonial or referral except for knowing that they have helped someone and their horse. 

Here are some of their testimonials.

 I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to help the horses and I thank you for being concerned about your horse's comfort."  

Terry Peiper, Fit Right Saddle Solutions

Contact me at TPeiper@aol.com or (717) 609-2822